AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. The Wisdom Website - Serving the Muslim and Non-Muslim Community for the past 37 years, through the distribution of publications, DVDS, CDS, radio & TV shows, lectures, seminars, dialogues etc.,establishing tolerance and better understanding among different faiths and cultures. AL QUR'AAN Ch: 16 V: 125 Invite To the Way of Thy Lord With Hikmat (Wisdom).
Al-Hamdulillaah, Masjid Al-Amin held their Ground Breaking Ceremony at South Military Trail, Boynton Beach Florida U.S.A.- followed by a Shukrana Program and Dinner at Mehfil Restaurant, Sunrise Florida U.S.A. The event was a great success! There were approximately 400 people who attended the event. The event was coordinated by Al-Hikmat Services Inc.
Bro. Shaukhat & Maulana Azad performing the Ground Breaking
Brothers from the Muslim community who attended the Ground Breaking ceremony
Shaikh Shafayat, Maulana Azad, Bro. Muhammad & Bro. Shaukhat
On Saturday November 3rd, 2012 The Muslim Community Association of South Florida held their fundraising dinner at Mehfil Restaurant to expand their Masjid - Islamic Center of Greater Miami. There were over 400 in attendance. Shaikh Shafayat was the Fundraising guest speaker. Al-Hamdulillaah the target of $300,000 was raised. Maashaa Allaah.
Caption: Bro. Khalid Mirza & Bro. Siddiq Khan
Raised US $215,000 at Fundraising Dinner
On Dec. 10th, 2011 UHI Medical Center of Miami Florida U.S.A. held its annual fundraising banquet at Mehfil Restaurant. The target was US $175,000, but Al-Hamdulillaah US $215,000 were raised in less than 20 minutes. The fundraising guest speaker was Shaikh Shafayat. UHI Medical Center opens Mon.-Fri. from 10:00am - 6:00pm and on Sat. from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Approximately, 34 Physicians volunteer their time to serve the community at No Cost. The MC at the dinner was Dr. Tehsin Siddiqui, followed with presentations by Bro. Sadrul Fasihi, Dr. Imran Siddiqui, Bro. Khalid Mirza, Dr. Subhani, Dr. Alam, Bro. Syed Zafar, Bro. Songerwala and a Keynote address by Dr. Mohsin Jaffer, Mashaa Allaah.
Muslim Student Association
Islamic Awareness Week - Mar. 1st - Mar. 4th, 2010
South Florida U.S.A.
MSA- Muslim Student Association of (FIU) Florida International University invited Shaikh Shafayat on Mon. March 1st, 2010 to lecture on Islam and answer questions from Non-Muslim Students at their Islamic Awareness Week. Other topics scheduled for the week: Muslim Women Leaders, Science/Islam and Jihad - The Inner Struggle.