AL-HIKMAT SERVICES INC. The Wisdom Website - Serving the Muslim and Non-Muslim Community for the past 38 years, through the distribution of publications, DVDS, CDS, radio & TV shows, lectures, seminars, dialogues etc.,establishing tolerance and better understanding among different faiths and cultures. AL QUR'AAN Ch: 16 V: 125 Invite To the Way of Thy Lord With Hikmat (Wisdom).
Al-Hamdulillaah- Shaikh Shafayat was born, in Trinidad, West Indies, where he attended College etc.. He is the Founder of AlHikmat Services and Principal of Darul Uloom Institute Pembroke Pines Florida USA. He was the first Muslim to represent Islam at a Florida State Faith Summit, held at the Capitol Building with Gov. Jeb Bush in the year 2000. He has received many Interfaith Awards including the Peacemaker Award from St. Thomas University. He is a member of PBS TV Community Advisory Board and the Co Chair of the Interfaith Council of Pembroke Pines City Florida USA. He is also a director of THP - The Humanity Project and a director of the World Aid Council. Shaikh Shafayat is well known by Muslims and Non-Muslims as a Motivational Speaker - Maashaa Allaah