Eliminate Bad Habits with These Healthy Changes
by Hazel Bridges from Agingwellness.org
How do you get rid of bad habits after all the experiences you’ve had? That’s a question that doesn’t have a simple answer since there are so many factors involved. Psychology Today acknowledges that breaking bad habits can be menacingly difficult, but you can take control by using a renewed focus to your advantage.
If you’ve been wanting to make a big change in your life or get rid of unhealthy habits, now is the perfect time. Read on for some ideas from Al-Hikmat Services, Inc..
Pursue your dreams
Is there a special goal you’ve set for yourself but never went for it? Many people with a lifetime of successes and failures often disregard the pursuit of their dreams as life has seemed to “get in the way.” Striving for – and eventually achieving – a long-held goal has many benefits, one of the major ones being a sense of accomplishment. Perhaps you’ve wanted to finally get that advanced college degree in either your current industry or a new field altogether. Fortunately, online courses are available leading up to a doctorate degree, an option that makes studying and testing very convenient and more affordable than attending a traditional onsite campus. The areas of study range from business administration to education, and you can usually enroll at various times throughout the year. This may even lead to starting your own business.
Make healthy choices
Major life transitions like returning to school or starting a business can be stressful, but they’re also useful in kicking off some new goals. Making healthier lifestyle choices can help you look and feel better, so think about the changes you’d like to make. Eating more mindfully and learning how to cope with stress or anxiety in healthy ways are two great places to start; you might also consider your relationships and environment. How do they contribute to your physical and mental health? Now is the time to take care of yourself and focus on the things, people, and places that support your goals.
Replace bad habits with good ones
Along those same lines, it’s important to remember that making changes is always a give-and-take. Giving up a bad habit like smoking typically requires a replacement of some kind, so why shouldn’t other habits be the same? Spending too much time on social media can be replaced with a language app so you can learn something new. Find yourself doom-scrolling through your news feeds? Pick up a book instead, or Thrive recommends taking up a hobby that occupies your hands and mind.
Find your ideal home
Sometimes, the need for positive change is bigger than a few lifestyle changes. If you feel stuck in your current location with no support or room for personal growth, consider making a move. Think about your ideal city and dream home and start setting goals to get there. Your environment can play a huge role in the way you feel and your ability to make good decisions. Where do you see yourself next year? Create a budget and start making plans to get there. If you already have friends or connections in a new city, even better! Talk to them to find out more about the cost of living or to brainstorm potential job options.
Wherever you call home, it’s necessary to make your home a healthy space. The benefits of a clean, organized and decluttered home include creating a living environment that’s conducive to focus, productivity, and overall wellness. It’s wise to address any issues now in order to create a more positive, healing and healthy atmosphere at home. These include a few simple steps like decluttering and including a few houseplants, which also aids in purifying the air.
Trust your gut
When making a big life change of any kind, it’s crucial to trust your instincts and listen to your needs. This period can be stressful, and some individuals discover anxieties or other mental health issues they didn’t realize they had. Change can affect us all in different ways, and only you know what’s best for you. If something feels off, don’t ignore it. Get support and talk to a counselor or therapist who can help you get to the root of the problem. Work on ways to cope with those feelings in the moment, since anxiety can come on suddenly and without warning. Know your triggers and avoid them when possible.
Changing out an unhealthy lifestyle with a healthy one can be complicated for both your mental and physical health, and it can leave you feeling tired in ways you can’t even comprehend. Take some time to relax when you can, and give yourself permission to just do nothing. This can be difficult at first, but allowing yourself to rest and recharge can have a major positive effect.
Making life changes can be challenging and exhilarating all at once, so give yourself time to set some goals like finishing your schooling and get used to them. Make healthy choices, replace bad habits with good ones, and look for support from friends and family members as you start down new paths in your new, more positive life.