Allaah Will Replace Us
if we Don’t
Go in the path of Allaah
Summary of Khutbah written by Sis. Karen Shah
Program Vice President of Broward Interfaith Council, Florida U.S.A
God blesses us in different ways: wealth, knowledge, strength, character, abilities. In Chapter 6:165 of the Holy Quran, we are told that some people are given more than others, as a trial to see if we use God’s gifts in the right way. We were born to die, and every breath, every moment brings us closer to death. Do not take your blessings for granted! Utilize God’s gifts, our time and ourselves, to serve God. In Chapter 9:38, God reminds us about those who are commanded to spend their time, efforts and possessions in the path of Allah. “O ye who believe in God, what has happened to you? When it is said to go forth in the path of Allah, you hold on strongly to earthly things.” When God calls upon us to pray, teach Qur’aan, feed the poor, and do good works, we say we don’t have the time or money. Are worldly things more pleasing than God and His promises of the hereafter? Only 1 percent of God’s mercy is here on earth. The other 99 percent is in paradise! “Let it be known that the life of this world is nothing in comparison to the hereafter.” When we see wrong things, what do we do? Try to change things with our hands? Our tongue? Or do we keep silent? Do we enjoin good and forbid evil? Do we encourage others to pray and to do good works so that God will be pleased with us? Paradise is beyond our imagination. We think our little piece of living on earth is everything. We work to earn to own. Verse 39 continues: unless we go forth and spend our time, money,and ability in God’s path, doing things for Him, there will be a dreadful punishment now and later. Aren’t things worse now for Muslims here in America than before 9/11? That’s because most of us are just eaters and sleepers and make no effort to spread God’s message. The consequences are here – oppression and attacks on Muslims – because most Muslims make no effort. We have our heads in the sand! The whole world is attacking us. Look at our penalty! We have not made enough effort to change the world’s perception of Muslims and Islam! This is a serious thing. Chapter 9:39 also states that if we don’t spread God’s message (teaching Qur’aan, prayer, helping the poor, etc.), God will change us and put others in our place to do the job! When you don’t do the job, you’re fired! Converts and reverts will come and do the job, and get the blessings and the rewards. Let us join in works that are good, and spread the message of God. Don’t sit and criticize. Be supportive, take action. And God will make things easy for us. If we do good for Allah, then good will follow us. We will have peace. In Chapter 17:7, God tells us that “If you persevere in doing good, you will but be doing good to yourselves; and if you do evil, it will be to yourselves.” What goes around, comes around, if not now then later. God’s peace and blessings will follow us when we do the right thing.