With all the bombings and attacks among Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan - it has become necessary for intelligent and educated Muslims, to enlighten the rest of the world on the true meaning of Islam. Most people thought with the many Islamic conferences, interfaith dialogues and political involvement by Muslims in the USA, the image of Islam and Muslims would change for better in America. Instead, there are more hate crimes, attack on Islam and even more troops heading to Afghanistan according to President Obama.
What is happening presently is a clear indication that Muslims are not doing ENOUGH to spread the true message of Al Qur’aan and to stop radicals and extremists from hijacking Islam. Muslim extremists in Afghanistan and Pakistan need to be told and reminded that their voices and actions do not represent the Qur’aan and Islam. Muslims need to remind the world that Islam is a way of life for all mankind. The message of Islam has been given from the time of the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him), and renewed through many prophets chosen by God to inform humanity of the way of life leading to God. The fundamental teaching of each of those prophets was the same, “There is no deity, nor object worthy of worship, except God alone - Allaah.” This very message was perfected by God in the final Scriptures revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The world needs to know that Prophet Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, David, Solomon, Elias, Moses, Aaron, Jonah, John, Jesus and many others (peace be upon them all) are accepted as true prophets of Islam. They are all Muslims, because they surrendered and submitted themselves to the Will of God. They not only followed the commands of God, but also spread the Message of God to their fellow men. Therefore, by its broader definition, the people who accepted the teachings of God’s prophets in their time in their original form, were also Muslims; they surrendered themselves to the will of Allaah, The Exalted God. Many Muslims and Non-Muslims are still ignorant of the fact that prophets and stories found in the Bible are mentioned in the Qur’aan - such as the creation of Adam and Eve (peace be upon them ), the story of Noah (peace be upon him) and the flood, the events in the life of Abraham (peace be upon him) and his sons, the Psalms of David and the kingdom of Solomon (peace be upon them all) , the Israelites from Egypt led by Moses (peace be upon him), Jesus (peace be upon him) preaching the Injeel (Good News) to the world, etc.
Hence, the reason why many Christians and Jews who convert to Islam often comment they are attracted to the faith partly because of its similarities to Christianity and Judaism in general. Educated Muslims need to let the world know that Islam is not a new religion. Islam’s final message was revealed to Prophet Muhammad, (Peace Be Upon Him), 1,400 years ago. Allaah, or God, revealed this message to him through the angel Gabriel. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)was not the founder of Islam but he was the last Messenger of God chosen by God to spread the message of peace and Islam to the world as previous prophets of God such as Ebraheem, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus, etc., were commanded to do.