Muslims are commanded to have GOOD MANNERS
Summary of Khutbah written by Sis. Karen Shah Program Vice President of Broward Interfaith Council, Florida U.S.A
We learn in the Holy Qur’an, Surah Mulk 67:2, that “Allah has created death as well as life, so that He might put you to a test and show which of you is best in conduct”. Are we passing the test here in this life with our good deeds and actions? Are we prepared to answer God’s questions on the Day of Judgment regarding how we used our youth, our strength, our wealth, and our knowledge? Yes, pray, fast, give zakat, and make Hajj. These form the foundation for our faith, our iman, which we must nurture, cherish and strengthen. Always be grateful for Allah’s guidance, protection and sustenance. Allah is the source of all our blessings. Remember Allah through zhikr. Study and live the teachings of the Qur’an. Be mindful of Allah in all that we do. Ask oneself, “Are my actions pleasing to Allah?” And show the world our good manners and characteristics. Good mannerisms are part of iman. Good manners are not just a recommendation, but a command from Allah in the Qur’an 4:36. “Be nice to neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the friend by your side, and the traveler.” We must be kind to everyone, everywhere: on a plane, on a bus, at work, at the store, while driving. Smile! And smile some more. The Prophet (S.A.W.) said, “The best gift a father can give to his son is good manners.” Where do we learn good manners? In 33:21 we are told, “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah are the most beautiful pattern and conduct.” Study the Prophet’s life and make an effort to be like him, to reflect his loving character in our every action and interaction. Walk and speak with humility. In 25:63 of the Qur’an, we learn that “true servants of the Most Gracious are they who walk gently on the earth, and who, whenever the foolish address them, reply with words of peace.” And in 17:53, “tell my servants that they should speak in a kind manner, for truly Satan is ready to stir up discord between people.” Allah knows our intentions, but the rest of the world only sees and judges us by our actions. The best and easiest dawah we can give is to conduct ourselves with gentleness, caring, generosity, forgiveness and love. Then others will want to know about our Prophet (S.A.W.) and Islam. Make a resolution to please Allah with our good conduct exemplified by our Prophet (S.A.W.). Show the world our good manners!